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Bastard is an offensive term in the English language. It originally referred to an illegitimate child, but it is now used as a general insult.


  • For me, the worst sin is hypocrisy. The sinner is not the assassin. The sinner's the bastard who hires the assassin.
    1976, Joyce Haber, The User
  • I wish people weren't so set on being themselves, when that means being a bastard.
    1983, Robertson Davies, The Rebel Angels
  • Get off of the fuckin' road you greenie bastard!
    1994, Bad Boy Bubby
  • Oh my god, they killed Kenny! You bastard!
    1999, South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut
  • "Call me later", you'd said, so I could call you later, at night, and it is those nights I miss you, Ed, the most, on the phone, you beautiful bastard.
    2011, Daniel Handler, Why We Broke Up