Ben-Hur (2016 film)

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Ben-Hur is a 2016 film about a prince falsely accused by his adopted brother, who returns to his homeland after years at sea to seek revenge.

Directed by Timur Bekmambetov. Written by John Ridley, based on the novel by Lew Wallace.
Brother against brother. Slave against empire.  (taglines)

Judah Ben-Hur

  • [to Dismas] How many Romans do you even know? Have you ever had a conversation with a single one in your life? Don't spit your hate for all when you don't even know one.


  • Hate, anger, fear. Those are all lies they use to turn you against each other. When you set aside the hate they force you to carry, that's when you know love is our true nature.


Messala Severus: You should have stayed away.
Judah Ben-Hur: You should have killed me.
Messala Severus: I will.


  • Brother against brother. Slave against empire.


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