Dmitry Rogozin

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Dmitry Rogozin

Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin (Russian: Дми́трий Оле́гович Рого́зин; born 21 December 1963) is a Russian diplomat and politician, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia, vice-premier of Russian Government in charge of defense industry.


  • Every former w. who has aged wants to give lectures about morals, especially during tours and gigs abroad…
    • Original: Каждая бывшая б. с возрастом стремится читать всем лекции о морали. Особенно во время зарубежных турне и гастролей…
    • in Twitter, on Madonna's recent statement on behalf of the punk rock group Pussy Riot, using an abbreviated form of the Russian word for whore (Augus 08, 2012)
    • Rogozin vs. Madonna
    • Rogozin tweets criticism of Madonna
  • There is stud "Khrenovskoy" in my former constituency and that stud is older than all of the United States, older than America. Naturally, that's why we have archaic views.
  • Tremble, bourgeoisie! You're screwed. :)
    • Original: Дрожите, буржуи! Кирдык вам. :)
    • in Twitter, on the commissioning of the first Borei class nuclear ballistic missile submarine. (January 9, 2013)
  • The answer to Maidan comes from the South-East (Novorossiya) in the form of anti-fascist resistance and struggle for national liberation.
    • Dmitry Rogozin ‏@Rogozin on Twitter on June 15, 2014, after the attack on the Russian embassy in Kiev.
    • Original: Потому и ответ на Майдан приобретает на Юго-Востоке форму и смысл национально-освободительной борьбы и антифашистского сопротивления
  • Before his illness, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin loved being photographed with pygmies.
    • On Twitter, comparing the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to a photo of a dead gorilla. {February 25th, 2024}
    • Original: Министр обороны США Ллойд Остин до болезни очень любил фотографироваться с пигмеями.
  • Monkeys should be called monkeys.
    • On Twitter, as a follow-up to the previous post, including a video juxtaposing Ukrainians with chimpanzees. {February 26th, 2024}

Quotes about Rogozin

  • Mr. Rogozin is a charismatic orator with a rascally sense of humor, and he at times has succeeded in charming his rivals in Brussels even as he was upbraiding them. More than once in the interview, he ended long discourses in Russian about his views on relations with the West by uttering a single English word that captured how he likes to be viewed: “Troublemaker!”
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