Mark Driscoll

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Mark Driscoll

Mark A. Driscoll (born 11 October 1970) is an evangelical Christian pastor, author, and the former pastor of Mars Hill Church, an influential megachurch in Seattle, Washington. He resigned on October 14, 2014. He also founded The Resurgence, a theological cooperative, and co-founded several other parachurch organizations: Churches Helping Churches, a church planting network called "Acts 29" and The Gospel Coalition.


  • It is imperative that Christians be like Jesus, by living freely within the culture as missionaries who are as faithful to the Father and His gospel as Jesus was in His own time and place.
  • You have been told that God is a loving, gracious, merciful, kind, compassionate, wonderful, and good sky fairy who runs a day care in the sky and has a bucket of suckers for everyone because we're all good people. That is a lie... God looks down and says 'I hate you, you are my enemy, and I will crush you,' and we say that is deserved, right and just, and then God says 'Because of Jesus I will love you and forgive you.' This is a miracle.
  • I study the Bible all week, pray to the Lord, and then I speak from my heart. It's all about brutal honesty.
  • the truths of Christianity are constant, unchanging, and meant for all people, times, and places. But the methods by which truth is articulated and practiced must be culturally appropriated, and therefore constantly translated …if doctrine is constant and practice is constantly changing, the result is living orthodoxy.
  • Ultimately I think the difference between reading the Bible and studying it is making the connections between who Jesus is and what he's done.
  • I'll preach anywhere. If it's a round trip ticket to preach in hell, I'll take it—as long as it's round trip.
  • Everyone is sinning, so it's no longer rebellious to sin. You're just a conformist if you're drunk; and naked; driving around in a loud motorcycle; smoking cigarrettes; breaking commandments; getting pregnant out of wedlock. Everyone's done that. That's so tired!
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