Maureen Cleave

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Maureen Diana Cleave (20 October 1934 – 6 November 2021) was a British journalist. She worked for the London Evening Standard from 1958 conducting interviews with many prominent musicians of the era, including Bob Dylan and John Lennon. Over 50 years, she continued to interview people in all walks of life, in the Standard, the Telegraph Magazine, Observer Magazine, SAGA magazine, Intelligent Life magazine, and elsewhere.


  • The lines on his forehead arrange themselves in an odd chequered pattern, like a puzzle waiting to be filled in — or are, perhaps, a reflection of his past.
  • With a PR man at his side, the quote would never have got into my notebook, let alone the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, where it ended up. As it was, the Evening Standard didn't even put it in the headline. We were used to him sounding off like that and knew it was ironically meant. But the Americans have little sense of irony, and when the article appeared in a magazine called Dateline, all hell broke loose. It was the last time the Beatles ever toured.
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