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Oblivion is an eternal state of lack of awareness thought by some to occur after death. This idea contradicts beliefs that there is an afterlife, such as a heaven or hell, after death. The idea of eternal oblivion stems from the idea that the brain creates the mind; therefore, when the brain dies, the mind ceases to exist. The name of the idea derives from the original meaning of the word, referring to a state of forgetfulness or distraction, or a state of being completely forgotten.



Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations

Quotes reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 564-65.
  • Oblivion is not to be hired.
  • It is not in the storm nor in the strife
    We feel benumb'd, and wish to be no more,
    But in the after-silence on the shore,
    When all is lost, except a little life.
    • Lord Byron, Lines on Hearing that Lady Byron was Ill, line 9.
  • Without oblivion, there is no remembrance possible. When both oblivion and memory are wise, when the general soul of man is clear, melodious, true, there may come a modern Iliad as memorial of the Past.
    • Thomas Carlyle, Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, Introduction, Chapter I.
  • And o'er the past oblivion stretch her wing.
    • Homer, Odyssey, Book XXIV, line 557. Pope's translation.
  • He shall return no more to his house, neither shall his place know him any more.
    • Job, VII. 10.
  • Injuriarum remedium est oblivio.
  • Eo magis præfulgebant quod non videbantur.
    • They shone forth the more that they were not seen.
    • Tacitus; adapted from Annals, Book III. 76.
  • But from your mind's chilled sky
    It needs must drop, and lie with stiffened wings
    Among your soul's forlornest things;
    A speck upon your memory, alack!
    A dead fly in a dusty window-crack.
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