Quack Pack

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Quack Pack is an American animated sitcom produced by Disney Television Animation as part of The Disney Afternoon, featuring Donald Duck and his teenage nephews.



The Really Mighty Ducks

[The teenage Duck nephews are in their room, filled with many comic books]
Huey: So many comic books.
Dewey: So little time.
Louie: You guys ever think maybe we should quit reading all these comics and do something?
Huey: Someone's been reading self help books again.
Dewey: Pitiful.
Donald: [enters their room] Hiya, boys! [trips on a skateboard and lands in a pile of clothes and comics] Yuck! [a pizza slice lands on top of his head; looks around] What a mess! You boys should be ashamed.
Louie: Ashamed? About what?
Donald: This room! I want it spotless!
Dewey: Spotless?!
Louie: You mean you want us to clean?

Donald: Clean this room, or else! [leaves]
Huey: Clean our room? The nerve of some people.
Dewey: We're much too busy.
Louie: We've got a million things to do.
Duck nephews: We got nothing to do.

[After Ludwig's superhero machine gives the teenage Duck triplets superpowers…]
Ludwig: [opens the door and Dewey steps out, with an incredibly huge head] Why, Dewey! That's one fantastic makeover you did there!
Dewey: Call me Brain Boy! Now witness the amazing psychokinetic powers of my super brain! [uses his powers to make a steel post-shaped puppy] See how my indomitable brain beak twists this dirty steel post… into a festive puppy! My brother Louis, I presume?
Louie: [steps out of the machine with an incredibly muscular body] Call me Captain Muscle! Behold my super stupendous strength! [lifts up the superhero machine with his finger, to Ludwig's amazement, and sets it back down]
[Huey is the last to come out of the machine, with incredible speed]
Dewey: Tis, our other sibling, Hubert. But wait, he appears unchanged saved for his apparel.
Louie: You're right. Tell us, Super H. What powers did you get?
Huey: [dashes away and back with a kangaroo; in Australian accent] G'day, mates.
Louie: It made him Australian?
Dewey: No, it made him super fast… extreme.
Huey: Call me the Really Incredibly Fast Guy… uh, until I can think of something better.

Louie: Nice digs.
Dewey: We even have our own narrator.

Timmy: [sobbing] My kite!
Dewey: What's the matter, little Timmy Miller of 1804 1/2 Farnam Street?
Timmy: [points up to his kite that's stuck in a tree] My kite!
Dewey: Cease your ocular discharge. [wipes Timmy's teary eyes with his cape] I shall amend the situation with my magnifu-caltractonious mind.
Timmy: [confused] Is that a word?
Dewey: It is now.

T-Squad: [reading the note] "Clean your room or else! Love and kisses- Your uncle, the Duck of Doom."
Huey: Of course you know what this means.
Louie: We're not gonna make it to the superhero debutante ball?
Huey: No! The T-Squad must stand firm! This "Duck of Doom" will not force us to clean our room! Hey, that rhymes.
T-Squad: T-Squad, HO!
Dewey: Let's see. How shall I reply to this with a proper verb in panache? Ah! "No way, Jose!" [sticks the note on the plane]
Louie: Return to sender!

Donald: Yoo-hoo, T-Squad! Look what I've done!
Huey: So you tied up the freeway, drained a lake, and put funny glasses on Mount Rushmore? Big deal.
Donald: [offended] Big deal?!
Huey: The T-Squad can't be bothered by such, uh… frivolities, especially when we have to deal with real disasters.

Louie: [shivering] The North Pole? Couldn't we hide out somewhere nice like the Bahamas?
Huey: Well, it might be a little frosty, but at least we're safe until we can come up with a plan.

Island of the Not-So-Nice

Dewey: What was that anyway? Some kind of mutant prehistoric pigeon?

Leader of the Quack


All Hands on Duck


Pride Goeth Before the Fall Guy


Need 4 Speed


The Germinator


The Late Donald Duck


Tasty Paste


Phoniest Home Videos


Return of the T-Squad

Louie: Last time we became superheroes, the whole universe got destroyed!

Huey: What did you do?
Dewey: I found out what it's like…to be a woman.
[Huey quickly moves away from him after to have shockingly heard that]

Koi Story


Ready, Aim... Duck!


Pardon My Molecules

Huey: I'll show you how to get even!
Dewey: Me?! You started it!
Huey: You started it!

Unusual Suspects


Ducklaration of Independence


Can't Take a Yolk


Heavy Dental

Huey: So what?! Look at me! I can't enter the Mr. Cool Teen contest like this! I can't even go out in public! My life is officially over!

Duck Quake


Long Arm of the Claw


Shrunken Heroes


Snow Place to Hide


Huey Duck, P.I.

Huey: Ready to give up, lady?

Take My Duck, Please


Ducks by Nature


Recipe for Adventure


The Boy Who Cried Ghost

Donald: [grabs Dewey by the beak] Dewey! Oh, why'd you… [squawks furiously]
Louie: [angrily] We're stuck in the middle of nowhere and it's all your fault!

I.O.U. a U.F.O.

Huey: U.F.O. almost lands on your head and you want proof?!
Louie: You're the one who believes this stuff!

Daisy: What's on your mind, Dewey?
Dewey: [disappointed] Doesn't matter if you're from Earth, Mars, or Planet Glum. You gotta build space ships out of something. Metal, wood, solidified nose hairs, I don't know, but something solid! And these aren't. Oh, man, whatever.

Dewey: A projector? It's a projector?! [angrily] I'VE BEEN RIPPED OFF!

Gator Aid


None Like it Hot


Ducky Dearest


Transmission: Impossible


Nosy Neighbors


Hit the Road, Backwater Jack


Cat & Louse


Hero Today, Don Tomorrow


Captain Donald


Stunt Double or Nothing


Feats of Clay


