Spice World

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Spice World is a 1997 film about the Spice Girls and their entourage (mostly fictional characters) - manager Clifford, his assistant Deborah, filmmaker Piers (who is trying to shoot a documentary on "the real Spice Girls") and others in their everyday life.


Emma aka Baby Spice

  • You know, I'm always gonna be known as Baby Spice, you know the sweet and innocent one... even when I'm... 30!
  • And I don't want to be nice all the time. Maybe I could slap somebody, like Victoria here.
  • Look, can we just stop all this? It's doing my head in!

Victoria aka Posh Spice

  • When you know exactly what we're supposed to be doing. Will somebody please let me know?"
  • [after falling into the River Thames] This dress is dry clean only, Melanie!
  • [Having trouble driving the Spice Bus] Bloody Sunday drivers! It's only Saturday!
  • The bridge is going up!!!
  • [About to jump the bus over tower bridge] Hold on to your knickers, girls!
  • I can't run in these heels!

Mel B. aka Scary Spice

  • [as they are talking about being stereotyped] You know, I think it's the same with fish
  • [points out fish in tank] I mean, look at this, you've got the spotty one, that's wacky. You've got the fluffy one, that's cute And then you have this... ugly loser one, that reminds me of my ex boyfriend, Steven. Eeuuuh...
  • Um, blah blah blah, girl power, femininism, you know what I mean?

Geri aka Ginger Spice

  • Boys, boys! Calm down! Haven't you ever heard of the word "compromisation"?
  • I hope you know what you're doing, 'cause if you're looking for a fight, you're gonna lose!
  • Now that is girl power.

The Chief

  • The headless chicken can only know where he's been. He can't see where he's going. Do *not* be that chicken, Clifford.
  • When the rabbit of chaos is pursued by the ferret of disorder through the fields of anarchy, it is time to hang your pants on the hook of darkness. Whether they're clean or not.


  • I love you like a wildebeast loves...Five lionesses chewing on its legs.
  • They're hot, Chief! They've got fire in their eyes, hunger in their bellies... and great big shoes on their feet!


  • Judge: Emma, Victoria, Melanie C., Melanie B., Geri. You've been charged with releasing a single that is by no means as kicking as your previous records. Nor does it have such a phat bass line. You are sentenced to having your next record enter the charts at number 179 and having it fall completely out the following week.
  • Martin Barnfield: Act? Did anyone care if Marilyn Monroe could act? All they cared was, "Was she in focus?"
  • Musical Director: Okay, girls, that was absolutely perfect without... really being any good at all.


Victoria: It's always the same. I never know what to wear.
Mel C: It must be so hard for you, Victoria. I mean, having to decide whether to wear the little Gucci dress, the little Gucci dress, or... the little Gucci dress!
Victoria: Exactly.
Emma: I know, why don't you wear the little Gucci dress?
Victoria: Good idea. Thanks, Em.

Kevin McMaxford: Something's happening to me. What is it?
Brian: You're smiling, sir.

Geri: Check!
Mel B: What d'you mean "check"?
Geri: I mean, check; my bishop's got your king.
Mel B: Where?
Geri: There! You've either got to move it in front, or move it out of the way.
Mel B: Well I'll move that fairground horse to there. Sort that out!
Geri: You can't do that!
Mel B: Says who?
Geri: Says Mr. Chess! It's been in the rules for thousands of years!
Mel B: Well I'm gonna break the rules and set this little fairground horse free amongst all these little square fields, like that. There!
Geri: I'm gonna slap you in a minute!

Emma: But we can't dance like that.
Mr. Step: I know. I've seen your videos! Hahahahahaha!

Clifford: [after they have a fall into the Thames] Look at this - front page news again. Suppose the whole lot you had been drowned?
Geri: Well we weren't though, were we?
Victoria: Speak for yourself.
Clifford: What do you think you were doing, going off like that?
Mel B: We were just having fun!
Clifford: What?!
Emma: You know, fun? Like, "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

Spice Girls: We're the Spice Girls, yes indeed. Just Girl Power is all we need. We know how we got this far...
Geri: Strength and courage and a Wonderbra!
Spice Girls: Would this work with only one?
Emma: Just with me, I'd have no fun.
Spice Girls: Would this work with only two?
Mel B: We need more for what we do.
Spice Girls: Would this work with only three?
Mel C: Three's a crowd, bad company.
Spice Girls: Would this work with only four?
Victoria: No way, girls, we need one more!
Spice Girls: Listen up, take my advice - we need five for the power of Spice. Give it up, give it out, take a stand, scream and shout! One, two, three, four, five - Spice Girls! One, two, three, four, five - Spice Girls!

Sporty: Is it a boy or a girl?
Baby: It's a beetroot!
Scary: It's a girl!

Geri: Did you *know*, that the largest fish in the world is the manta ray?
Victoria: And then there's the little ginger one, that is full of useless information, about manta rays!

Geri: How my Gloria get her clothes so dirty, I'll never know.
Emma: My poor back.
Mel B: I don't know how you can have any more of them kids. You already got six of them don't ya?
Emma: Is it six?
Mel B: Mmm
Emma: yea, but they just get so cute until they grow up to be real little bleeders.
Victoria: Thank god for boarding school; I only see mine once a month. Cheers
Mel C: You know, our little Terry, he comes up to me and he says "Mom, i want to be a singer", I said "listen lad, go to college, get a proper job", Does he listen? No.
Mel B: They never do now do they---
Geri: Darling, kids today just don't know how...
All: Lucky they are. [Music Blares Up]
Geri: Brucey, Demi, Will you turn that bloody racket down?

Geri: Ok, Horiscopes.
Emma: You know, I don't believe in star signs.
Geri: You see, you wouldn't because you're an aquarian, and aquraians don't believe in anything.
Emma: Now I don't believe that either.
Mel B: Ohh no, I can't find my boots. I think i've lost them.
Victoria: It's always the same. I never know what to wear.
Mel C: It must be so hard for you, Victoria. I mean, having to decide whether to wear the little Gucci dress, the little Gucci dress, or... the little Gucci dress!
Victoria: Exactly.
Emma: I know, why don't you wear the little Gucci dress?
Victoria: Good idea. Thanks, Em.
Mel B: [Later on she finds them on Geri's feet.] HA. THERE THEY ARE!
Geri: What?
Mel B: My boots, Geri, You're Wearing my boots.
Geri: Oh yeah, I don't know how that happened.
Mel B: Typical. Typical Leo that is isn't? Borrowing stuff without even asking me.
Geri: No, that's Capricorns.
Mel C: Oy. Don't even Start On the Capricorns.
Mel B: That's is. You've had it.
Mel B: NO, I DON'T WANT THEM ANYMORE! [playfully fighting and commotion, then Mel C and Emma jumps in.]
Victoria: EXCUSE ME!!!
All: WHAT?
Victoria: [holding up yet another gucci dress] What do you guys think of this one?
All: Great. [continues Play fighting and commotion.]

[the Girls are walking through the woods at night looking for a place to pee]

Emma: I don't wanna go any further, I'm scared!
Victoria: Why does the countryside have to be so bloody muddy?
Mel B: You know what? Something just brushed past me, and I'm not joking.
Geri: It's probably something that wants to eat you.

[A loud noise is heard]

Mel C: Oh, pack it in, Mel!
Mel B: It wasn't me!
Geri: I think we're lost, you know?

[suddenly, a HUGE gust of wind blows in, followed by a bright light]


[the source of both turns out to be a UFO heading for the terrified Girls]

Emma: I CAN'T MOVE!!

[the UFO lands, and out come four short aliens in green coats]

Alien #1: [in alien language] It's them, it's them! Look!
Alien #2: [in alien language] Are you sure?
Alien #1: [in alien language] Yes! There's the little blonde one.
Alien #1: [in alien language] That's what you said last time, and it was a sheep!

[one of the aliens reaches for Mel B's chest and she swats his hand]

Mel C: Mel, you've done it now!
Alien #2: [in alien language] I told you, shake HANDS!
Mel B: Geri, go on, say something to them!
Geri: What do you want with us?
Alien #2: [in alien language] Are you the Spice Girls?
Girls: Yes.
Alien #2: [in alien language] Can we have tickets for your Albert Hall gig?
Emma: I'm really sorry, but it's all sold out.
Alien #2: [in alien language] I told you we should've booked early!

[Alien #1 holds out a notepad]

Mel C: What's that? What is it?
Alien #1: [in alien language] Can I have your autograph? It's not for me, it's for my brother.
Mel C: What's his name?
Alien #1: [in alien language] Krtkkarphillmuk.
Mel C: Is that with 3 or 4 K's?
Emma: It's 4.

[the 4th alien opens his coat

Alien #4: [in alien language] Could you sign this, Posh?
Victoria: Oh gosh, you're fat!
Alien #1: [in alien language] Give us a kiss, Ginger one!
Emma: Eww, he wants you to snog him!

[the other Girls recoil in disgust while Geri kisses the aliens]

Alien #1: [in alien language] YIPPEE!
Emma: You want a picture?
Alien #2: [in alien language] Say "khttttyakkk"!

[he takes a picture of the Girls w/ the aliens; cut back to the Spicebus]

Clifford: What d'you mean, aliens?
Mel C: You know, aliens from outer space?
Emma: They had these little squidgy faces!
Victoria: Yeah, and really cheap green coats!
Clifford: You're obviously under massive stress. I think you need some time off.

[as the Spice Girls are performing "Spice Up Your Life]

Martin Barnfield: Gonna make this movie? Have we got a deal?
Clifford: We've got a deal. Yes!


  • They perform for royalty and entertain millions the world over. But now, they're making a movie.
  • You say you want a revolution?
  • They Don't Just Sing!
  • Five girls. Five days. One rocking world!
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