The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course

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The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course is a 2002 adventure comedy film based on the nature documentary television series The Crocodile Hunter. The film was released in between the fourth and fifth seasons of the series. Collision Course follows Steve and Terri who attempt to save a crocodile from "poachers" not knowing that the two men are actually American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agents who are after them because the crocodile in the Irwins' possession has unwittingly swallowed an important satellite tracking beacon.

Directed by John Stainton. Written by Holly Goldberg Sloan.
His First Big-Screen Adventure!taglines
  • G'day! I'm Steve Irwin! You might know me as the Crocodile Hunter! Have a look at this little beauty, will ya? [appears at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios logo] This is an African lion! Oh, I'm in no danger, he's become a Hollywood lion! He's been sitting in this MGM logo for 77 years! Tough job, mate. Of course, in my new movie, The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, we make this bloke look like a real pussycat! Yeah, the lion may be the apex predator in Africa, but in Australia, crocs rule! Everything about Collision Course is big, REAL BIG! But there's one big problem... [to the Lion] It's you, mate! He's too tame! Come on, get out of there ya little devil! [a crocodile now appears in the MGM logo] Crikey! Now that's more like it! Steady, mate, steady...
  • Our job is to locate the croc, jump it, try and get it into the boat and then relocate it into a section of the river where it'll never run into a conflict with people again. Now, it's not the croc's fault. He doesn't come into our swimming pool. We're actually going into his. They're apex predators right at the top of the food chain and without crocodiles, the whole ecosystem would suffer. We've got to catch this croc. Otherwise, they'll shoot it dead and turn it into boots, bags and belts.
  • It's CROC savin' time!
  • You know, those army blokes seemed pretty upset about their metal ball. They reckoned it was real valuable. Of all the gear those blokes get to play with, you'd think a kid's top would be the last thing they'd need. And that grumpy rancher has joined the Fauna and Fisheries Department as a volunteer. But she's still having a little bit of trouble dealing with crocodiles. And check this out. The US government gave us those two pesky poachers to work at Australia Zoo for nothing! And I reckon, after I give them a full Steve-o education, we'll be able to return them back to the wild where they belong. And that crocodile's happy. Real happy. He's now got himself a couple of gorgeous- looking Sheilas. Well, we're back to our adventure. See ya.
  • Steve's been catching crocodiles this way with his dad since he was a small boy. But the real dangerous part is judging the size of the croc before jumping it.

Brozzie Drewitt

  • The two blokes look like they've never been out of an office. The girl might chip a fingernail if she's not careful.

President George W. Bush

  • [on the phone] You mean that guy in the Khaki Shorts? That dude from the Discovery Channel?


Brozzie: [sarcastically] Maybe I'll invite them for tea, with a nice big croc on the barby.
Sam Flynn: Oh come on, Brozzie, they're experts!


  • His First Big-Screen Adventure!
  • Crikey!
  • This Summer Crocs Rule

