Venom: Let There Be Carnage

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Venom: Let There Be Carnage is a 2021 American superhero film and a sequel to the 2018 film, in which Brock struggles to adjust to life as the host of the alien symbiote Venom, while serial killer Cletus Kasady escapes from prison after becoming the host of Carnage, a chaotic spawn of Venom.

Directed by Andy Serkis. Written by Kelly Marcel.
  • You have got to get control of your aggression, or you will be pulled down into Area 51! You live in my body, you live by my rules!

The Venom Symbiote

  • Eddie, we should be out there snacking on bad guys! I am a predator! I need to be free.
  • Marriage trouble?! Already?!
  • Fuck this guy!
  • 80 billion light years of hive knowledge across universe would explode your tiny little brain.
  • Well, let me give you a taste then. Just the smallest fraction of the things we Symbiotes have experienced.
  • [sees Peter Parker's identity as Spider-Man exposed on TV] That guy.
  • Soon come chaos. Chaos soon come.
  • Something.... wicked.... this way... COMES!
  • I've been thinking about you, Eddie, because you and I are the same.
  • Welcome back, Eddie Brock. It's been a long time. I miss you... so much!
  • What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine.
  • I'm not a crazy man. I am a vengeful one.
  • I have tasted blood before, my friend, and that is not it. Eddie's got a secret!
  • I’m a killer. With or without the monster, Eddie.
  • [last words] I wanted your friendship...

The Carnage Symbiote

  • Let’s get this party started.


Eddie Brock: Anything you wanna unburden yourself with, before... [Eddie points to the execution chamber] this... happens?
Cletus Kasady: Yes. I have wishes to bestow upon you. I want to wish you... this heartbreak.
Venom: Uh-oh. Too late.
Cletus: I wish for you to see out your days alone, as you always have been.
Venom: Watch it, pal!
Eddie: Where are you going with this?
Cletus: You are a cancer to everyone who ever loved you, Eddie. Deceived your trusting fiancée. No wonder Daddy could never look at you again, after you killed his wife, your mother, just by being born.
Venom:[lunges towards Cletus] You son of a bitch!

Eddie: This is about me wanting to live without you whining in my ear all the time about eating bad guys, or, like, nagging me about Anne, or destroying my place, or destroying my life!
Venom: Do you know how lucky you are that I chose you?
Eddie: You chose me? Buddy, I'm the only person who took you in when your friends kicked you off the planet Ming-Mong 'cause you are a reject! You are a pariah! Lethal protector, my ass! You couldn't protect anything! You are useless! You couldn't get a job down here cleaning toilets!
[Venom lunges forward, breaking Eddie's nose]
Venom: I'm sorry! I-I don't know what came over me! Please, let me fix it. So I can break it again!
Eddie: You son of a bitch! [Eddie punches Venom, and a fight starts between them]

Cletus: You are real.
Carnage: I am. And once I kill that thing that made me, we will be indestructible.
Cletus: I know where to find him, but first, I need you to help me find something I lost.
Carnage: Deal?
Cletus: Deal.

[Cletus transforms into Carnage after Venom shows up at his and Shriek's wedding]
Carnage: There you are. Death to you, Father.
Priest: [in terror] No!
Carnage: Not you, Father. [points at Venom] You, Father.
Venom: [becomes afraid] Oh, shit! [Venom transforms back into Eddie]
Eddie: Uh, where are you going? What are you doing?
Venom: This is much worse than I thought! That is a red one! Wow! Uh...
Eddie: Red one...
Venom: We should leave! Immediately. Annie will get over it! We never liked her anyway! So, let's go.
Eddie: Now?
Venom: Congratulations to the happy couple. WE. [makes Eddie point to the door] ARE LEAVING.
Cletus: [after transforming back from Carnage] Eddie! Yoo-hoo!
Eddie: I'll be right with you. [to Venom] Okay, you need to come out right now, because I am feeling super, super vulnerable right here.
Shriek: Brock's just like you?
Cletus: Not for long. Eddie! Over here!
Eddie: You need to come out right now! I will let you eat everybody! You can eat them all! Apart from him! [points at the priest] In the robe. You cannot eat him.
Venom: Promise?
Eddie: I promise! [Eddie transforms into Venom] Thank you...
[Cletus transforms into Carnage, Venom charges at them, and Shriek shrieks, damaging Carnage, before the latter smacks her out of the way]
Cletus: BABY!!!
Carnage: [to Shriek] Shut. Your. Mouth.
Venom: Marriage trouble? Already?!
[Carnage screams at Venom, while showing off his deadly spikes]
Venom: Time to die! [Eddie: That's the spirit!] I mean us. WE are going to die!

[Eddie is watching a Spanish telenova, inside a hotel room]
Venom: I love this show.
Eddie: yeah.
Venom: Maximilliano's feelings are not being validated.
Eddie: Yeah, well, he never should have kept such an insane secret, man.
Venom: We all have a past, Eddie.
Eddie: What, are you... hiding stuff from me?
Venom: Eighty-billion light-years of hive knowledge, across universes, would explode your tiny little brain.
Eddie: What... what does that even mean, man?
Venom: Well, let me give you a taste, then. Just the smallest fraction of the things we Symbiotes have experienced.
Eddie: Okay?
Venom: Ready, Eddie?
Eddie: Yeah.
[As Venom gives Eddie a glimpse of the hive knowledge, the room begins to change]
Venom: What's happening?
Eddie: [jumps off the bed] No, no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Venom: [panicked] What the hell is that?!
Eddie: [turns towards the object that has startled Venom] Oh... that's, uh... that's just a towel. [Looking around in panic] Where are we? What did you do?
Venom: It wasn't me! [Eddie's attention is turned to the TV, where J. Jonah Jameson is speaking]
J. Jonah Jameson: [On TV] Incredibly, this shocking revelation, brought to life by yours truly, has only raised more...
Eddie: [notices Venom's alertness] What? What is it?
Jameson: ... the life of Peter Parker. [Venom transforms and approaches the TV] AKA Spider-Man. AKA the Spider-Menace. But rest assured, dear viewers, we here at the Daily Bugle will...
Venom That... guy... [licks the image of Spider-Man on the screen]


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