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Here is a list made to keep track of the proverbs on this website. You can help by contributing.

Boldface means the proverb has a source whose copyright has expired.

Italics means the saying is the best in expressing a piece of wisdom.

Under progress (No equivalents found yet)

  1. Example is better than correction. (English)
  2. A book is a friend. (English)
  3. A foolish friend is like an open enemy. (Russian)
  4. A small hole not mended in time will become a big hole much more difficult to mend. (Chinese)
  5. Admiration is the daughter of ignorance. (English)
  6. All things in moderation. (Latin)
  7. As the old cock crows, so crows the young. (Jamaican, Scots)
  8. A watched pot never boils. (English)
  9. Bait the hook well and the fish will bite. (English)
  10. Better a lean jade than an empty halter. (Spanish)
  11. Better safe than sorry. (Swedish)
  12. Better to ask the way than go astray. (Italian)
  13. Better to hear curses than to be pitied. (Yiddish)
  14. Best to bite in the sour apple. (Swedish)
  15. Bitter pills may have blessed effects. (English)
  16. Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance. (English)
  17. Comparisons are odious (French)
  18. Cross the stream where it is shallowest. (English)
  19. Don't complain about lack of wind – learn to sail (Swedish)
  20. Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his boots. (English)
  21. Don't make clothes for a not yet born baby. (English)
  22. Fuel without fire is soon quenched. (French)
  23. Genius is one percent imagination and ninety nine percent perspiration. (English)
  24. Good clothes open all doors. (English)
  25. Gossip is vice enjoyed vicariously. (English)
  26. He is a fool that thinks not another thinks. (Spanish)
  27. He that hath a fellow ruler had a fellow overruler. (French)
  28. He that stumbles and falls not, mends his pace. (French)
  29. He who asks does not get to choose. (Spanish)
  30. He who becomes a sheep is eaten by the wolf. (Greek)
  31. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. (English)
  32. If they are offered winged ants, people will eat them. (African)
  33. If you don't cherish the little, you don't deserve the more. (Hungarian)
  34. If you trust before you try, You may repent before you die. (English)
  35. It's a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor. (French)
  36. It is to live twice to be able to enjoy the retrospect of your past life. (Latin)
  37. Intention of required study, the word worth a thousand gold. (Chinese)
  38. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. (English)
  39. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. (English)
  40. Keep your own counsel. (English)
  41. Know thyself. (English)
  42. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. (English)
  43. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. (Chinese)
  44. In doubt, in favour of the accused. (Latin)
  45. Laws catch flies, but let hornets go free. (English)
  46. Learning is the eye of the mind. (English)
  47. Leave no stone unturned. (English)
  48. Never marry for money, but marry where money is. (Scots)
  49. Only stretch as far as your blanket reaches. (Hungarian)
  50. One might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb. (Japanese)
  51. One refusing a sibling’s advice breaks his arm. (Somali)
  52. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings come great truth. (Russian)
  53. Seldom lies the dell dead by the dyke side. (Scots)
  54. Success is a journey not a destination. (English)
  55. Take heed you find not what you do not seek. (English)
  56. That is a hard battle where non escapeth. (German)
  57. There is no tree but bears some fruit. (English)
  58. The best of friends must part. (French)
  59. The best place for criticism is in front of your mirror. (English)
  60. The closer to the source, the clearer the water. (Swedish)
  61. The lost sheep may be recovered, the lost time cannot. (Basque)
  62. The talented hawk hides its claws. (Japanese)
  63. The fruit of a good tree is also good. (Italian)
  64. The show must go on. (English)
  65. Times change and we are changed with them. (Dutch)
  66. Time is like a sword; if you dont cut it it'll cut you. (Arabic)
  67. To take it with a grain of salt. (English)
  68. Trust arrives walking and departs riding. (Dutch)
  69. Truth may be blamed, but it shall never be shamed. (English)
  70. Time will tell. (English)
  71. Shit or get off the pot. (English)
  72. War is too important to be left to the generals. (English)
  73. We should not expect to find old heads on young shoulders. (English)
  74. When in doubt, do nothing. (English)
  75. Where shall the ladle be if not in the cauldron? (Swedish)
  76. Who talks too much, nobody listens to. (French)
  77. With friends like that, who needs enemies? (English)
  78. Writing is reading twice. (Latin)
  79. You never know what you can do until you try. (English)

Under progress

  1. A countries custom, a countries honour. (Swedish, Dutch)
  2. A fish stinks from the head. (Czech, Hungarian, German)
  3. A friend's slap has honest intentions, your enemies' kisses are meant to deceive. (Swedish, Basque)
  4. A good mind possess a kingdom. (English, Latin, Spanish, French, Italian)
  5. A great book is a great evil. (English, Dutch)
  6. A prompt refusal has in part the grace of a favour granted. (Latin, Danish)
  7. A store is no sore. (Polish, French, German, English)
  8. A tongue of a fool carves a piece of his heart to all that sit near him. (Polish, Latin, German, English, French)
  9. A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend. (Oromo, French, Italian, Spanish)
  10. A workman is known by his chips. (French, Vietnamese)
  11. Actions speak louder than words. (English, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian)
  12. All are not thieves that dogs bark at. (English, Dutch, German)
  13. All is fair in love and war. (Swedish, Azerbaijani)
  14. All is fish that comes to the net. (Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, English, Azerbaijani)
  15. All is not lost that is in danger. (French, Italian, Spanish, English)
  16. All that is fair must fade. (Swedish, Romanian, Latin, Italian, Chinese)
  17. Adversity is the mother of wisdom. (Portuguese, Italian, Finnish, Swedish)
  18. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (English, Italian, Spanish)
  19. An honest look covereth many faults. (Swedish, Russian)
  20. Avoid evil and it will avoid thee. (English, Basque)
  21. Avoid the pleasure which will bite tomorrow. (French, Italian, English)
  22. Better fed than taught. (French, Latin, Swedish)
  23. Better foolish by all than wise by yourself. (German, English, French, Spanish, Italian)
  24. Better go about than fall into the ditch. (German, French, Italian, Spanish, English)
  25. Better is the enemy of good. (Dutch, English, German, Corsican, Portuguese)
  26. Better late than never. (Swedish, German)
  27. Bitter pills may have blessed effects. (Swedish, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German)
  28. Better the devil you know. (English, Portuguese)
  29. Better underdone than overdone. (Polish, English)
  30. Bloom where you are planted. (English, Swedish)
  31. Call a spade a spade. (English, Dutch)
  32. Childen are certain cares but uncertain comforts. (Polish, Latin, Danish, Spanish, English)
  33. Counsel is no command. (English, German)
  34. Deal gently with the bird you mean to catch. (English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech)
  35. Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves. (German, Italian, French, English, Parmigiano)
  36. Deep calls to deep. (Latin, English, French, Spanish, Italian)
  37. Discretion is the better part of valor. (English, Spanish, Polish, French, Italian, Dutch)
  38. Dogs wags their tails, not as much to you as to your bread. (Italian, Spanish, English, Tamil)
  39. Don't ask the old – ask the experienced. (Polish, Czech, Italian)
  40. Don't burn the candle at both ends. (Italian, English, Spanish, French, Dutch)
  41. Don't hear one and judge two. (Chinese, Portuguese)
  42. Don't belive your friend until you eat a bushel of salt with him. (Swedish, Logudorese Sardinian)
  43. Do not judge a book by its cover. (English, Swedish, Slovak, Chinesr)
  44. Do not let sunset find you still nursing your anger. (English, German, Italian)
  45. Don't paint the devil on the wall. (Czech, Swedish, German)
  46. Don't wait for dead mens shoes. (Danish, Wallon, French, Scots, Dutch, German)
  47. Easier said than done. (Swedish, Luxembourgish, Lower Austria, Danish)
  48. Easy come, easy go. (Swedish, Croatian, Flemish. Finnish, Czech)
  49. Enjoy the present day, trusting little to what tomorrow may bring. (English, Chinese)
  50. Every man thinks his own geese swans. (French, German, English, Dutch, Danish, Walloon)
  51. Every tub must stand on its own bottom. (Danish, Spanish, Czech, Italian, Swedish, Finnish)
  52. Everyone's business is no ones business. (Spanish, English)
  53. Everything is worth its price. (French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese)
  54. Experience is the mother of wisdom. (Portuguese, Italian, Japanese)
  55. Faults are thick where love is thin. (English, Arabic)
  56. Faith can move mountains. (Swedish, Japanese, Dutch)
  57. Fear has big eyes. (Czech, Russian)
  58. Fear the man of one book (Italian, Spanish, French, Latin, German, English)
  59. Fight fire with fire. (German, Dutch, Russian, English, Vietnamese)
  60. The friar preached against stealing when he had a pudding in his sleeve. (Icelandic, Dutch, Italian)
  61. For want of a nail, the shoe was lost, for want of a shoe, the horse was lost, for want of a horse, the messenger was lost, for want of a messenger, the battle was lost, for want of a battle, the kingdom was lost. (English, Swedish, Chinese)
  62. Forced love and self-made colors do not last. (Turkish, Swedish, German, Dutch)
  63. Fortune disdains the lazy. (Latin) (Latin, Basque)
  64. He's an ill cook that cannot lick his own fingers. (English, French)
  65. He who saves, has. (Swedish, Bavarian, Holstein, Hamburg, Jever)
  66. The first chapter of fools is to think themselves wise. (French, English)
  67. Give credit where credit is due. (English, French, Italian, Portuguese)
  68. God is on the side of the strongest batallions. (English, Portuguese)
  69. God who gives the wound gives the salve. (Czech, Spanish, French, Danish, Swedish)
  70. Good blood always shows itself. (English, Latin, Romanian)
  71. Good ware makes a quick market. (Scots, Dutch, Swedish)
  72. Goose, gander and gosling are three sounds but one thing. (English, Spanish)
  73. Great talkers are little doers. (Finnish, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian)
  74. Half a loaf is better than no bread. (Dutch, English, Danish)
  75. Happy is the child whose father went to the devil. (Scots, French, Florentine, Bergamesque, Venetian, Valencian)
  76. Hasty judgment leads to repentance. (Italian, Spanish, French, Latin, German, English)
  77. He complains wrongfully at the sea that suffer shipwreck twice. (Italian, Spanish, French, Latin, German, English)
  78. He is a friend that grinds at my mill. (English, Spanish, Portuguese)
  79. He says the moon is made of cheese. (Danish, Italian, Serbian, Finnish, Bosnian)
  80. He sets the fox to keep his geese. (Swedish, German, Old German, Swiss, Dutch, Danish)
  81. He that swells in prosperity will shrink in adversity. (English, German)
  82. He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut. (English, French, German)
  83. He who is not with me is against me. (Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, English)
  84. He who lives shall see. (Swedish) (Swedish, Dutch, Japanese)
  85. Hunger is the best sauce. (Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese)
  86. Idle people have the least leisure. (Swedish, Italian, Portuguese)
  87. If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well. (French, Italian, Dutch, English, Spanish, Finnish)
  88. If at first you don't succeed try, try and try again. (English, Japanese)
  89. If fortune favours, beware of being exalted; if fortune thunders, beware of being overwhelmed. (Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, English)
  90. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. (Welsh, English, German, French, Spanish)
  91. If the sky falls, we shall catch larks. (French, Italian, Spanish, German)
  92. In for a penny in for a pound. (Spanish, English, Japanese, Latin)
  93. It is not what you say, but the way you say it. (English, Dutch)
  94. It's always darkest before the dawn (Swedish, Bergamasque)
  95. It is the early bird that gets the worm. (English, Hungarian, Chinese, Japanese)
  96. It is no use crying over spilt milk. (Hindi, Swedish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Italian)
  97. It is not the beard that makes the philosopher. (Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian)
  98. It is not what you do, but the way that you do it. (Spanish, Italian, English, French)
  99. Joy shared, joy doubled: sorrow shared, sorrow halved. (French, German, Swedish, English)
  100. Justice pleaseth few in their own house. (English, Italian)
  101. Learn to walk before you run. (English, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish)
  102. Least said, soonest mended. (Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Latin, French, English)
  103. Leave well enough alone. (Spanish, Russian)
  104. Let him that is cold blow the coals. (Swedish, French, Spanish, Italian, German)
  105. Let the buyer have a thousand eyes for the seller wants only one. (Hebraic, Danish, Czech, Italian, Polish, Spanish)
  106. Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law. (Latin) (Latin, Swedish)
  107. Life imitates art. (English, Italian, Spanish, Romanian)
  108. Life is short, and art long. (Latin) (Latin, Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese)
  109. Like king, like people. (Latin) (Latin, Chinese)
  110. Little pitchers have big ears. (French, Swedish, German, English)
  111. Live by the sword, die by the sword. (English, Bulgarian, Vietnamese)
  112. Lose nothing for want of asking. (Italian, German, English, Spanish, Portuguese)
  113. Love and ambition admit no fellowship. (Swedish, English)
  114. Men talk only to conceal their mind. (Latin, English, Polish, French)
  115. Misfortune comes on horseback and departs on foot. (Dutch, Danish, Latin, Italian, Chinese)
  116. Money talks. (English, Chinese)
  117. More haste, less speed. (Filipino, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian)
  118. Much is expected where much is given. (Spanish, Italian, French, German, English)
  119. Necessity is the mother of invention. (Swedish, Scots, French, Italian)
  120. Never ask pardon before you are accused. (English, Spanish)
  121. Never do things by halves. (English, Sotho, Afrikaans)
  122. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. (English, Russian)
  123. No book was so bad, but some good might be got out of it. (Italian, Spanish, Latin, German, English)
  124. No need of words, trust deeds. (Latin, Spanish, Polish, Czech, English, Serbian)
  125. No money, no Swiss. (Dutch, French, German. North Provençal)
  126. No one gets rich quickly if he is honest. (Polish, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Swedish, Dutch)
  127. Nothing is so good that it can't be made better. (Swedish, Spanish, Portuguese)
  128. One must step back to take a good leap. (French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish)
  129. One rotten apple will spoil the whole barrel. (English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian)
  130. Only the dead fish follow the stream. (German, Swedish)
  131. Paper is forbearing. (Spanish not found, Italian not found)
  132. Patience is a virtue, and a little will not hurt you. (German [Also a copyrighted variant], French, Romanian, Hungarian, Slovak, Greek)
  133. Penny wise, pound foolish.(English, Dutch)
  134. Persevere and never fear. (Swedish, Sicilian)
  135. Plough deep while sluggards sleep, and you will have corn to sell and keep. (Czech, Polish, Spanish, English)
  136. Proffer'd service stinks. (Danish, Frisian, English, German)
  137. Punishment is lame but it comes. (Latin, Czech, Italian, French, English, Spanish)
  138. Seeing is believing. (Russian, Chinese, Estonian)
  139. Set a beggar on horseback, and he'll ride to the Devil. (English, French, Spanish, Thai)
  140. Shove anger aside. (Greek, Tamil)
  141. Slow and steady wins the race. (English, Swedish, Russian)
  142. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. (Indonesian, Dutch, English, Chinese)
  143. Small crumbs are bread too. (Swedish, Chinese)
  144. Sow thin, shear thin. (Spanish, French, German, English, Romanian)
  145. Speech is silver, but silence is golden. (Swedish, German, Russian)
  146. Success is a journey not a destination. (English, Finnish)
  147. Tell none your secrets. (German) (German, Spanish)
  148. That government is best which governs least. (English, Chinese)
  149. The absent are always in the wrong. (French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch)
  150. The best art conceals art. (English, French, Italian, Spanish)
  151. The best goods are cheapest in the end. (English, Romanian, Italian, French)
  152. The bird is known by his note, the man by his words. (Swedish, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian)
  153. The customer is always right. (English, French)
  154. The devil can cite the Scripture for his purpose. (Swedish, German, Portuguese)
  155. The eyes are sometimes a true index of the heart. (Japanese, Italian, Romanian)
  156. The eye looks but it is the mind that sees. (Latin, Spanish, Czech, German, English)
  157. The first step to health is to know that we are sick. (Latin, English)
  158. The grass is always greener on the far side of the hill. (Swedish, French, Italian)
  159. The heart sees further than the head. (Polish, Italian, Spanish, French, German, English)
  160. The longest mile is the last mile home. (English, Chinese)
  161. The pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last. (Indonesian, Russian, Czech, Chinese)
  162. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. (Dutch, Spanish, German, English, French)
  163. The tongue ever turns to the aching tooth. (Swedish, Basque)
  164. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. (Swedish, Portuguese, Thai)
  165. The wolf finds a reason for taking the lamb. (Italian, Spanish, English, Dutch, German , Danish, Swedish, French)
  166. There is no building bridges across the ocean. (Polish, Chinese)
  167. There is no greater torment than to be alone in paradise. (Italian, German, English)
  168. There is no great banquet, but some fare ill. (Swedish, French)
  169. There is no little enemy. (Spanish, Latin, German, English, Swedish, Corsican)
  170. There is nothing hidden that will not become public. (Thai, German, Swedish, Latin, French, Spanish)
  171. Though thou hast ever so many counsellors, yet do not forsake the counsel of thy own soul. (Polish, Latin, English)
  172. Time flies. (English, Chinese)
  173. Time heals all wounds. (Swedish, German, Norwegian, Latin)
  174. To forget a wrong is the best revenge. (Italian, English)
  175. Too much of one thing is good for nothing. (Swedish, Upper German)
  176. To run the wild goose chase. (Hawaiian, Danish)
  177. Tomorrow comes never. (Russian, Telugu)
  178. Tread on a worm and it will turn (English, Swedish, German, Luxembourgish, Danish)
  179. Walk the talk. (English, Romanian)
  180. We are to learn as long as we live. (Albanian, Karelian, Livonian, Esperanto, Frisian, Veps)
  181. We shall lose nothing by waiting.(Spanish, Italian, Polish)
  182. What goes around comes around. (Swedish, English, Chinese)
  183. What's good for the goose is good for the gander (English, French)
  184. What is learnt in the cradle lasts to the tomb. (German, Basque)
  185. When all men say you are an ass it is time to bray. (Italian, Spanish, French, German, English)
  186. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. (Swedish, Chinese)
  187. When thy friend asks, let there be no to-morrow. (Spanish, German, Italian, English, French, Portuguese)
  188. Wine has drowned more than the sea. (Polish, French, German)
  189. Without justice, courage is weak. (English, Swedish)
  190. Without temptation there is no victory. (German, Spanish, Italian, French, English)
  191. Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present. (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese)
  192. Yet it comes from urine. (Latin, Swedish)
  193. Yielding a single results in yielding in many. (Latin proverb) (Latin)
  194. You don't get nothing for nothing. (Spanish, English, Dutch, French, Italian, Swedish)
  195. You don't shit where you eat. (English, Portuguese)
  196. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse. (English, German)

Finished (At least seven international equivalents of a proverb.)

  1. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. (Latin, Sicilian, Polish, Venetian, Italian, Spanish, French)
  2. A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. (Slovak, Croatian, Czech, Piedmontese, Catalan, Faraoese, Italian)
  3. A bad workman blames his tools. (Dutch, Swedish, French, Spanish, German, Middle English, Corsican,, Hindi)
  4. A beloved child has many names. (Swedish, Aachen, Mönchengladbach, Mark, Flemish, Old Frisian, Norwegian)
  5. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. (Hungarian, Croatian, Romanian, English, Finnish, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Bosnian, Swedish, Croatian, Hebraic, German, Greek, Czech, French)
  6. A blind man should not judge of colors. (Swedish, Latin, Polish, Italian, Welsh, Telugu, Spanish)
  7. A blind may sometimes hit the mark. (Danish, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Slovak, Catalan, Swedish, Norwegian, Flemish, Frisian, Scots)
  8. A burnt child dreads the fire. (Swedish, English, Romanian, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Dutch)
  9. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. (English, Dutch, Swedish, Russian, Latvian, Spanish, French)
  10. A closed mouth catches no flies. #
  11. A drowning man plucks at a straw.
  12. A fair face and a foul heart.
  13. A fool is ever laughing. (Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Latin, German, English)
  14. A fool may give wise man counsel. (Scots, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French, Italian, Champenois)
  15. A forgetful head makes a weary pair of heels. (Swedish, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Basque)
  16. A friend is known in adversity, like gold is known in fire. (Japanese, Persian, Esperanto, Welsh, Turkissh, Slovenian, Norweigan, Bulgarian, Vietnamese)
  17. A good anvil does not fear the hammer. (Romanian, Italian, Spanish, French, Danish, Latin, Dutch, German, Norwegian)
  18. A golden bit does not make the horse any better. (Portuguese, Dutch, French, Spanish, Tuscan, Bergamesque, Venetian)
  19. A golden key opens any gate but that of heaven. (Turkish, French, Italian, Romanian, Danish, Dutch, Spanish, Medieval Latin)
  20. A good conscience is a soft pillow. (Swedish, Luxembourg, Waldeck, Bavarian, Old Swiss, Ladin, Highland Romansch)
  21. A good marksman may miss.
  22. A good name is the best of all treasures.
  23. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. (Czech, Polish, Spanish, Latin, Italian, German, English)
  24. A hedge between keeps friends green. (English, Spanish, Portugal, French, Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish)
  25. A honey tongue and a heart of gall. (Polish, Russian, Portuguese, German, Croatian, Italian, Czech)
  26. A king's favour is no inheritance. (Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Czech, Polish, Italian, Danish, Old Dutch)
  27. A liar is not believed when he tells the truth. (Swedish, Catalan, Sicilian, Piedmontese, Venetian, Toscan, Rome)
  28. A liar should have a good memory. (Czech, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Latin)
  29. A lie has short legs. (Armenian, Swedish, Hungarian, Arabic, Dutch, Estonian, German, Portuguese, Slovakian, Czech)
  30. An hour in the morning before breakfast, is worth two all the rest of the day. (Swedish, Luxembourg, Old Bavarian, Swiss, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen, Altmark, Romansch)
  31. A man is known by the company he keeps. (Hungarian, Romanian, Danish, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian)
  32. A miserly father makes a prodigal son. (Basque, Italian, Tuscan, Bergamesque, Northern Catalan, Portuguese, Dutch)
  33. A penny saved is a penny earned. (English, Slovak, Old Swiss German, Bavarian, Jever, Tuscan, Bergamasque)
  34. A problem shared is a problem halved. (Italian, Polish, Spanish, French, Latin, Dutch, German, English)
  35. A prophet is not recognized in his own land. (Swedish, Gascon, Catania, Luxembourgish, Old German, Bavarian, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen)
  36. A rolling stone gathers no moss. (Esperanto, Norwegian, Persian, Frisian, Slovenian, Welsh, Karelian, Turkish, French, Swedish, Old Dutch)
  37. A word spoken is past recalling. (Swedish, Old German, Breslau, Old Swiss German, Transylvanian, Altmark, Tuscan)
  38. A mans worst enemies are often those of his own house.
  39. A new broome sweepeth cleane. (Georgian, Swedish, English, Votian, Livonian, Italian, French)
  40. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. (English, Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian)
  41. Adversity is the mother of wisdom. (Portuguese, Italian, Finnish, Swedish, Öömrang, Strand Frisian, Northern Frisian)
  42. Advice most needed are the least heeded. (In at one ear and out at the other.) (English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Latin, African, German, Albanian, Catalan, Frisian, Scottish Gaellic, Irish, Karelian, Livonian, Maltese, Romanian, Scots, Veps, Votian, Welsh, Esperanto, Persian)
  43. After rain comes fair weather. (Japanese, Swedish, Romaninan, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Landsberg am Lech, Holstein Anglia, Old French, Champenois, Walloon, North Provençal)
  44. Age and poverty are ill to bear. (Croatian, Polish, Piedmontese, Lombard, Milanese, Norwegian, Danish)
  45. All is well that ends well. (Swedish, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Romanian)
  46. All men know council expect he in peril. (German, Danish, Swedish)
  47. All roads lead to Rome. (French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Luxembourgish', Old Swiss German, Düren, Portuguese)
  48. All that glisters is not gold. (Polish, Indian, English, Serbian, Faroese, Portuguese, French, German, Bosnian, Czech, Russian)
  49. All truths are not to be told. (Croatian, Czech, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch)
  50. Among the blind, the one-eyed is king. (Romanian, Swedish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Spanish)
  51. A new broom sweeps clean.
  52. A stich in time saves nine. (English, German, French, Romanian, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese)
  53. A watched pot never boils.
  54. An old dog barks not in vain. (Estonian, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, Catalan, Hungarian, Polish)
  55. An ounce of patience is worth a pound of brains. (Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish, French, Dutch)
  56. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. (Thai, Dutch, Russian, Croatian, Greek, French, Portuguese, Swedish)
  57. All are not friends that speak us fair.
  58. All good things are three. (Swedish, Polish, Spanish, German, Italian, Latvin, Czech, Russian)
  59. All that glimmers is not gold.
  60. The apple does not fall far from the tree. (Japanese, Armenian, Esperanto, Yiddish, Votian, Ukranian, Swedish, Spanish, Slovenian, Croatian, Russian, Romanian, Romansch, Romani, Polish, Norweigan, Latvian, Livonian, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Karelian, Lappish, Lithuanian,‎ German, Frisian, French, Finnish, Estonian, Danish, Dutch, Czech, Albanian, Latin, German, Dutch, Flemish, Walloon, Catalan, Portuguese, Italian, Venetian, Romanian, French, Polish, Serbian, Croatian, Hungarian, Eifel and Hunsruck, Luxembourgish, Bavarian, Appenzell, Styrian, Transylvanian, Altmark, Bremen, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen, Oderbruch, East Frisian, Rastede, Mecklenburgisch-Vorpommersch, Prussian, Waldeck, Mark)
  61. Appearances deceive. (Swedish, Altmark, Waldeck, Bökinggard/Moringer Frisian, Highland Romansch, Champenois, Lecce)
  62. As you make your bed, so you must lie. (Romanian, Dutch, German, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Swedish)
  63. Barking dogs seldom bite. (German, Turkish, Danish, Serbian, Hungarian, Portuguese, Czech, Itallian, French, Dutch, Croatian, Finnish)
  64. Beggars must not be choosers. (English, German, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Latin, French)
  65. Best to learn from other people's injury. (Swedish, Bavarian, Danish, Old Danish, Icelandic, Highland Romansch, Spanish)
  66. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. (Italian, Poliah, Danish, English, Czech, Portuguese, French, Frisian, Romagnol, Tuscan)
  67. Better be alone than in bad company. (Czech, Sicilian, Sardinian, Corsican, Venetian, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish, Walloon, Povençal, French, Latin, Icelandic, Swedish, Danih, Frisian, Dutch, German, English)
  68. Better bow than break. (Swedish, French, Italian, Spanish, German, English, Danish)
  69. Better late than never. (Czech, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish)
  70. Better never begun than never ended; He that takes the devil into the boat must carry him over the sound. (Swedish, Danish, Italian, Tuscan, German, French, Portuguese)
  71. Better safe than sorry.
  72. Beware of false prophets in sheeps clothing for they may underneath be wolves. (German, Italian, Swedish, French, English, Danish, Romanian)
  73. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. (Italian, French, Latin, German, English, Swedish, Spanish)
  74. Birds fly not into our mouth ready roasted. (Icelandic, Russian, Hungarian, Flemish, Estonian, Norweigan, Swedish, Spanish, Russian)
  75. Birds of a feather flock together. (Welsh, Slovak, Vietnamese, German, Hawaiian, Swedish, English)
  76. Blood is thicker than water. (Swedish, German, English, Finnish, Vietnamese, Romanian, Spanish)
  77. By perserverance the snail reached the arc. (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Walloon, North Provençal, Swedish, French)
  78. Cast no dirt into the well that gives you water. (Estonian, Slovak, Sicilian, Corsican, Venetian, Milanese, Catalan, Flemish)
  79. Cats eat what hussies spare. (Scots, Estonian, Croatian, Slovak, Czech, Portuguese, Polish)
  80. Charity begins at home. (French, Romagnol, Swedish, Walloon, Lombard, German) Some proverbs here may not be condidered charity begins at home?)
  81. Children, fools and drunken men tell the truth. (Swedish, Slovak, Croatian, Romanian, Polish, Icelandic, Hungarian, Czech)
  82. Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye; A man's best fortune or his worst is a wife. (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German, English, Swedish)
  83. Cobblers' children are worst shod. (Afrikaans, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Welsh, Swedish, Scottish Gaellic, Spanish)
  84. Comes time, comes counsel. (Swedish, Silesian, Breslau, Bremen, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen, Prussian, Old French)
  85. Common fame is seldom to blame. (Polish, Latin, Dutch, German, English, Old German, Old Dutch)
  86. Constant dropping wears the stone. (Italian, Dutch, Vietnamese, English, Indian, Swedish, Portuguese, Lithuanian, Old German, Northern Hesse, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen, Waldeck)
  87. Crooked logs make straight fires. (Czech, Italian, Spanish, French, Latin, Dutch, German, Swedish)
  88. Crows do not pick out eyes out of other crows.
  89. Curiosity killed the cat. (English, Czech, French, Portuguese, Polish, Italian, Dutch, Hungarian)
  90. Cut your coat according to your cloth. (Swedish, Sardinian, Silesian, Württemberg, Swiss, Swabian, Old Frisian)
  91. Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies. (Italian, Portuguese, French, Latin, German, English, Spanish)
  92. Diffidence is the right eye of prudence.
  93. Distrust is the mother of safety.
  94. Divide and conquer. (Czech, Italian, Spanish, French, Latin, Dutch, German)
  95. Do as you may if you can't do as you would. (Polish, Scots, Pôrtuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, German)
  96. Do not play with edged tools.
  97. Do not think that one enemy is insignificant, or that a thousand friends are too many. (Portuguese, German, Latin, French, Italian, Czech, English)
  98. Don’t throw out the child along with the bathwater. (Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, French, English, Portuguese)
  99. Don't add fuel to the fire. (Slovenian, Croatian, Romanian, Romansch, Polish, Hungarian, German, Czech, Albanian, English, Romanian, German, Swedish)
  100. Don't blow your own horn. (Maori, Swedish, Hebraic, Dutch, German, Italian, Romanian, Finnish)
  101. Don’t carry coals to Newcastle. (Danish, Finnish, Russian, German, Swedish, Polish, Hungarian)
  102. Don't change horses in midstream. (German, Russian, French, English, Irish, Swedish, Portuguese)
  103. Don’t go between the tree and the bark. (Spanish, Portuguese, Latin, English, Italian, French, Bavarian)
  104. Don't have too many irons in the fire. (Italian, Persian, Spanish, French, Latin, English, Dutch, Old German, Old Swiss German, Altmark, Ladin, Corsican, Romagnol. Tuscan)
  105. Don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. (Swedish, German, English, Portuguese)
  106. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. (Swedish, Romanian, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch, Latin, English, Finnish, Hungarian, Russian)
  107. Don't measure others by your own yardstick. (Indonesian, Italian, Latin, French, German, Romanian, Telugu)
  108. Don't put the cart before the horse. (German, Spanish, Italian, French,, English. Japanese, Middle Franconian)
  109. Do not throw pearls before swine. (French, Swedish, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Romanian)
  110. Don’t put all the eggs in the same basket. (English, Polish, Finnish, Danish, Swedish, French, Latin)
  111. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. (Swedish, English, Czech, Serbian, Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian)
  112. Don't sell the skin till you have caught the bear. (Swedish, Russian, Flemish, Vietnmaese, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Romanian, Frisian, Lithuanian, Arabic, Venetian)
  113. Do not spur a willing horse. (Croatian, Swedish, Swabian, Old Swiss German, Logudorese Sardinian, Old French, Portuguese)
  114. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. (Spanish, Croatian, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Czech, Russian, Swedish, Italian, Marchois)
  115. Don't wash your dirty linen in public. (Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, French, Czech, German, English, Greek, Catalan, Icelandic, Frisian, Latvian, Norweigan, Romani, Slovak, Esperanto, Japanese)
  116. Drumming is not the way to catch a hare. (German, English, Portuguese, Italian, French, Spanish, Latin, Old French)
  117. Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.
  118. Each day brings it own bread. (Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Lithuaian, Italian, Danish, Dutch)
  119. Eagles don't catch flies. (Estonian, Sardinian, Bolognese, Provençal, Catalan, Norwegian, Scots)
  120. Early ripe, early rotten. (German, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Eifel and Hunsrück, Bavarian, Swabian)
  121. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (Serbian, Spanish, French, Bosnian, Portuguese, English, Polish, Romanian, Italian)
  122. Eavesdroppers hear no good of themselves. (Italian, Spanish, French, German, English, Romanian, Scots)
  123. Empty vessels make the greatest sound. (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Frisian, Dutch, Scots, Latin, German)
  124. Enjoy the present day, trusting little to what tomorrow may bring. (English, Chinese)
  125. Envy always shooteth at a high mark. (Czech, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish, French, German)
  126. Envy is its own torturer. (Danish, Czech, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Latin, German, Swedish)
  127. Envy takes no holiday. (Czech, Polish, Piedmontese, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Swedish)
  128. Eggs and oaths are soon broken.
  129. Even a blind pig may occasionally pick up an acorn. (Swedish, Norwegian, Scots, Flemish, Catalan, Hungarian, Slovak, Danish, Frisian)
  130. Even a fool when he holdeth his peace is counted wise. (Swedish, Dutch, Finnish, Picard, Old French, Medieval Latin, Norwegian)
  131. Even homer sometimes nods. (Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Latin)
  132. Ever out cometh evel sponne web. (Swedish, Old German, Luxembourgish, Bavarian, Old Swiss German, Transylvanian, Old Dutch)
  133. Every cloud has its silver lining.(Swedish, Thuringian Rhula, Bavarian, Old German, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen, Waldeck, Icelandic)
  134. Every hair casts its shadow. (Czech, Catalan, Portuguese, Provençal, Danish, Dutch, Romanian, Languedocien, North Provençal)
  135. Every little helps. (Latin, Danish, Dutch, French, Romanian, English, Finnish)
  136. Every man is the smith of his own fortune. (Persian, Albanian, Icelandic, Provencal, Romansch, Slovak, Slovenian, Turkish, Votian, Esperanto, Danish, Swedish, Livonian)
  137. Every why has a wherefore. (Polish, Italian, Spanish, Frech, Latin, Dutch, German)
  138. Everybody to whom much is given, much is expected. (Spanish, English, Italian, French, German)
  139. Everyone should sweep before his own door. (French, Swedish, German, Romanian, Italian, Spanish, Dutch)
  140. Evil gun powder doesn't go away easily. (Swedish, Sonnenburg, Luxembourgish, Lach, Thuringian Ruhla, Lower Austria, Swiss, Waldeck, Burggrafenamt Tyrolean, Kleve)
  141. Experience keeps a dear school. (Vietnamese, Portuguese, Czech, Polish, Spanish, Italian, German, Swedish)
  142. Faint heart never won fair lady. (Danish, German, Italian, French, English, Icelandic, Spanish, Finnish)
  143. Faith is half the battle. (Swedish, Old German, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Eifel and Hunsrück proverbs, German)
  144. Fine words butter no parsnips. (English, Russian, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Romanian, Danish, Portuguese)
  145. First come, first served. (Japanese, Swedish, Czech, German, Slovenian, Nassau, Styrian)
  146. Follow glory and it will flee, flee glory and it will follow thee. (English, French, Latin,Toscan, Icelandic, Norwegian, Dutch)
  147. For what thou canst do thyself, rely not on another. (Polish, Italian, Spanish, Danish, German, Latin, Swedish)
  148. Forbidden fruit is sweet. (Swedish, Italian, Hungarian, Czech, Russian, Latin, English, Finnish)
  149. Forewarned, Forearmed. (Latin, Swedish, Italian, English, Portuguese, Romansch, Walloon)
  150. Forget other faults remembering your own; Forgive and forget. (Polish, Piedmontese, Piedmontese, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German)
  151. Fortune favours the bold. (Latin, French, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Swedish, Dutch, German, Italian, Vietnamese, Spanish, English, Gascon)
  152. Fretting cares make grey hairs. (Czech, Polish, Italian, French, Latin, German, English)
  153. Friends are lost by calling often and calling seldom. (English, German, Osnabrück, Danish, Icelandic, Faroese, Norwegian, Gascon)
  154. From nothing nothing can come. (Czech, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Thuringian Ruhla, Waldeck)
  155. Give a dog a bad name and hang him. (English, Clausthal, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Tuscan, Lombard, Sardianian)
  156. Give and take is fair play. (English, Danish, Icelandic, Swedish,Latin, Béarnese, Languedocien, Swiss French, Piedmontese)
  157. Give him an inch and he will take a yard. (Swedish, Dutch, Russian, Danish, Latvian, Czech, Indonesian, Neapolitan)
  158. Give neither salt nor counsel till you are asked for it. (Latin, Italian, German, French, Romanian, Spanish, English)
  159. Give the devil his due. (German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian)
  160. Gnaw the bone which is fallen to thy lot.
  161. Good health is above wealth. (Spanish, Basque, English, German, Dutch, French, Czech, Scots, German, Old Flemish, Danish, Icelandic, Tuscan, Venetian )
  162. Good laws have sprung from bad customs. (Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Latin, German, English, Swedish)
  163. Good riding at two anchors, men have told, for if the one fails, the other may hold. (Latin, Danish, English, Dutch, Italian, French, Spanish)
  164. Good wine needs no bush. (Vietnamese, Hungarian, English, Dutch, Romanian, Italian, Old Swiss German, Danish)
  165. Grasp all, lose all. (Swedish, Old German, Luxembourgish, Swiss, Appenzell, Bavarian, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen')
  166. Great cry and little wool. (Spanish, Latin, Finnish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Romanian)
  167. Great minds agree.
  168. Grey hairs are honorable. (Danish, Latin, Scottish, Dutch, Spanish, Latin, German)
  169. Handsome is that handsome does. (Scots, English, Vietnamese, Romanian, Dutch, Spanish, German)
  170. Hard words break no bones. (English, Danish, Polish, Old German, Bavarian, Old Swiss German, Bad Driburg')
  171. Haste makes waste. (Portuguese, Bulgarian, Turkish, Vietnamese, Polish, Russian, Azerbaijani, German, Old German, Clausthal Upper Harz, Silesian Breslau, Bavarian, Upper Palatinate Nürnberg proverbs)
  172. Hawks will not pick out Hawk's eyes.
  173. He cut off his nose to spite his face. (French, English, Dutch, Persian, West Central German, Holstein, Hamburg)
  174. He gives twice, who gives in a trice. (Latin, Portuguese, Spanish, German, French, Romanian, Italian)
  175. He had need rise early who would please everybody. (German, French, Italian, Spanish, English, Old German, Eifel and Hunsrück)
  176. He that can have patience can have what he will. (Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Italian, Finnish, Polish, French)
  177. He that hath a head of wax must not walk in the sun. (French, Italian, Spanish, German, English, Hungarian, Dutch)
  178. He that leaves certainty and sticks to chance, When fools pipe, he may dance. (French, German, Spanish, English, Dutch, Corsican, Romagnol, Lombard, Old German, Luxembourg, Old Swiss German, Bremen)
  179. He that leaves the highway to cut short, commonly goes about. (Swedish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Chinese, Russian)
  180. He that lives on hope will die fasting. (French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Latin, Spanish, Romanian)
  181. He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf. (Greek, German, Dutch, English, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Upper German, Milanese, Parmigiano, Sicilian, Northern Catalonian))
  182. He that promises too much means nothing.
  183. He that waits on another man's trencher, makes many a late dinner. (English, Spanish, Sardinian, Sicilian, Tuscan, Old French, French, Dutch)
  184. He that will not be counseled cannot be helped. (German, Latin, French, Italian, Polish, Czech, Croatian)
  185. He that will not when he may, when he will he may have nay. (Romanian, Portuguese, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, English)
  186. He that will not work, shall not eat. (Esperanto, Welsh, Votian, Veps, Slovenian, Slovak, Romansch, Romani, Maltese, Latvian, Livonian, Lithuanian, Karelian, Vietnamese)
  187. He that will steal a pin will steal a better thing. (Swedish, Old Swiss German, Hannover Verden, Romagnol, Tuscan, Milanese, Venetian)
  188. He was in Rome and did not see the pope. (Italian, Czech, Polish, Swedish, Dutch, German, Indian, Finnish)
  189. He who does not advance goes backwards. (English, German, Latin, Dutch, French, Spanish, Polish)
  190. He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day. (Czech, Italian, Swedish, Spanish, Latin, French, German)
  191. He who is silent consents. (Esperanto,Yiddish, Slovenian, Swedish, Lithuanian, Scottish Gaellic, Frisian)
  192. He who laughs last, laughs longest. (Swedish, Vietnamese, Dutch, German, Italian, Polish, Portugese)
  193. He who serves God has a good master. (Czech, Polish, Portugese, Spanish, French, German, Swedish)
  194. He who steals an egg will steal an ox. (French,
  195. He who sups with the devil must use a long spoon. (Spanish, Bosnian, Danish, Italian, German, English, French, Scots, Russian)
  196. Health is not valued till sickness comes. (Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Old Swiss, Bergamesque, Venetian, Logudorese Sardinian)
  197. Hear, see, be silent, if you wish to live (in peace). (Latin) (Latin, Italian, French, Portuguese, German, Romanian, English)
  198. Hide nothing from thy minister, physician and lawyer. (Italian, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Latin, German, English)
  199. History repeats itself. (German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish)
  200. Honesty is the best policy. (Danish, German, Romanian, Czech, Swedish, Italian, French, Latin)
  201. Honey is sweet, but the bees sting. (Scots, German, Dutch, Danish, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese)
  202. How many ifs fill a bushel? (German, Scots, Venetian, Bergamesque, Lombard, Luxembourg, Styrian)
  203. If the beard were all, the goat might preach. (Ukrainian, Russian, Croatian, Polish, Dutch, Portuguese, Romanian)
  204. If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. (Swedish, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian)
  205. If the cat is away, the mice play. (Albanian, Catalan, Estonian, Frisian, Scottish Gaellic, Karelian, Maltese, Norwegian, Provencal, Scots, Swedish, Welsh)
  206. If the mountain will not come to Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the mountain. (Polish, Spanish, Hungarian, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian, German, French)
  207. If the shoe fits, wear it. (English, German, Lithuanian, Latvian, Czech, Polish, Icelandic, French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Portuguese)
  208. If things were to be done twice, all would be wise. (Czech, Luxembourgish, Bavarian, Old Swiss German, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen, Holstein Anglia)
  209. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. (English, German, Scots, Danish, Icelandic, French, North Provençal, Finnish)
  210. If you buy cheaply, you pay dearly. (Swedish, Greek, Hungarian, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, French, English)
  211. If you do good, good will be done to you.
  212. If you have no enemies it is a sign that fortune has forgotten you; People only throw stones at trees with fruit on them. (Latin, English, French, Portuguese, German, Spanish, Turkish)
  213. If you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas. (English, Bavarian, Swiss, Corsican, Tuscan, Parmigiano, Lombard)
  214. If you turn yourself into a doormat others will walk over you. (Written down as "He that makes himself an ass must not take it ill if men ride him.") (Czech, Portuguese, German, French, Spanish, Bremen, Jever)
  215. If you want a thing done right, do it yourself (Bulgarian, Catalan, English, Polish, German, Swedish, French, Bulgarian)
  216. In the house of the hanged man, mention not the rope. (German, Spanish, Italian, French, English, Tuscan, Neapolitan)
  217. In thé night all cats are gray. (Swedish, French, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese)
  218. In wine there is truth. (Latin, Dutch, French, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Slovakian, Latin, Chinese, Japanese)
  219. Ingratitude is the world's reward. (Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, Polish, Italian, Polish, Czech, Milanese)
  220. It is a good horse that never stumbles. (Japanese, Russian, Thai, Hungarian, Latvian, Czech, Danish)
  221. It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest; Don't wash your dirty linen in public. (Norwegian, Japanese, Latvian, Danish, Spanish, Icelandic, French, Dutch, Slovak, German, Greek, Italian, Frisian, Portuguese, Catalan)
  222. It is best to bite into the sour apple. (Swedish, Norwegian, Main-Franconian Hennebergisch, Middle Franconian, Luxembourgish, Lower Austrain, Stade)
  223. It's by the head that the cow gives the milk. (Slovene,Croatian,Polish,Frisian,Danish, Italian, Dutch)
  224. It is good fishing in troubled waters. (Bulgarian, Belorussian, Cheremis, Danish, Estonian, Frisian, Lithuanian, Livonian, Provencal, Romansch, Ukranian)
  225. It is not the hen that cackles the most that lays the most eggs. (French, Swedish, Korean, Latin, Slovak, Indonesian, Czech)
  226. It is not wise to open old wounds. (Danish, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Romanian, English)
  227. It is a poor mouse that has only one hole. (Hungarian, Croatian, Czech, Catalan, Provençal, Frisian, Scots, Spanish)
  228. It will all be the same a hundred years hence. (Dutch, Romanian, Italian, Spanish, German, Danish, Portuguese)
  229. Jack of all trades and master of none. (English, Old Swiss proverbs, Appenzell proverbs, Aachen, Mönstergladbach, Colognian, Transylvanian, Bremen)
  230. Just as one calls into the forest, so it echoes back. (Lithuanian, Polish, Croatian, Portuguese, Hungarian, Latvian, Czech)
  231. Lead by example. (Latin, English, German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Portuguese)
  232. * Leave a jest when it pleases you best. (Bolognese, Piedmontese, Venetian, Milanese, Catalan, Norwegian, German, Old German, Bavarian, Old Swiss German, Dutch, Danish, Old Danish, Icelandic, Swedish, Latin, French, Old French, Romagnol, Tuscan., Parmigiano, Bergamesque, Brescia, Spanish)
  233. Least said, soonest mended. (Italian, French, English, Italian, Danish, Spanish, German, Romanian, Latin)
  234. Let sleeping dogs lie. (Swedish, Old German, Bavarian, Transylvanian, Tuscan, Bolognese, Tristine)
  235. Like father, like son. (Basque, Frisian, Irish, Karelian, Gaellic, Livonian, Provencal, Slovak, Slovenian, Veps, Votian, Welsh, Persian, Albanian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norweigan, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese)
  236. Like mother, like daughter. (Slovak, Slovenian, Veps, Votian, Spanish, Swedish, Welsh, Esperanto, Croatian, Romanian, Romani, Portuguese, Polish, Norweigan, Latvian, Lappish, Karelian, Italian, Hungarian, German, Scottish Gaellic, Frisian, French, Finnish, Estonian, Dutch, Danish, Czech, Breton, Albanian, Latin)
  237. Like will to like. (Romanian, French, Spanish, German, Danish, Latin, Swedish, Flemish)
  238. Little strokes fell great oaks. (Japanese, Swedish, Spanish, Norweigan, English, Dutch, Danish)
  239. Live and let live. (English, Romanian, Piedmontese, Catalan, Emilian, Tuscan, Romansch)
  240. Look before you leap. (Indonesian, Spanish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Swedish)
  241. Look before you leap, for snakes among sweet flowers do creep. (Tuscan, Italian, French, Latin, Dutch, German, Old Danish)
  242. Losers are always in the wrong. (Italian, Swedish, Old Swiss German, Icelandic, Norwegian, Venetian, Old Dutch)
  243. Love is blind. (Swedish, Chinese, Yiddish, Hebraic, Hindi, Greek, Old Flemish)
  244. Love me, love my dog. (Czech, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish, French, Latin, Dutch, German, English)
  245. Love, smoke and cough are hard to hide. (French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, Portuguese,
  246. Love, smoke and cough are hard to hide. (German, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, French, Swedish)
  247. Make a virtue out of necessity. (Danish, Provençal, Portuguese, Lombard, Venetian, Corsican, Polish)
  248. Make haste slowly. (Latin, Swedish, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Croatian)
  249. Man proposes but god disposes. (Swedish, Russian, Romanian, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese)
  250. Many a mickle makes a muckle. (German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, North Provençal, Northern Catalan, Flemish)
  251. Many a true word is spoken in jest. (Spanish, Italian, German, French, Romanian, English, Swedish)
  252. Many hands make light work. (English, Czech, Swedish, Dutch, Strand Frisian, Amrumer Mundart Frisian proverbs, Moringer Mundart Frisian proverbs)
  253. Many kiss the hand they wish to cut off. (Swedish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Latin, German )
  254. Men are like fish; the great ones devour the small. (Spanish, Latin, German, Dutch, Albanian, Catalan, Estonian, Scottish Gaellic, Hungarian, Irish, Latvian, Maltese, Norweigan, Provençal, Romansch, Croatian, Slovenian, Slovak, Esperanto)
  255. Men cut large thongs of other men's leather. (Swedish, Mark, Luxembourg, Piedmontese, Milanese, Dutch, German)
  256. Men leap over where the hedge is lower. (Spanish, French, Latin, German, English, Mecklenburgisch-Schwerin, Soest)
  257. Measure thrice, cut once. (Dutch, Chinese, Votian, Provencal, Romansch, Lithuanian, Albanian, Frisian)
  258. Mild physician putrid wounds. (Sicilian, Provençal, Bolognese, Icelandic, Tuscan, Dutch, Frisian)
  259. Mind your own business. (English, Bavarian, Upper Palatinate, Württemberg, Solothurn, Moers, Bari)
  260. Missing out the forest because of all the trees.
  261. Money is there to be spent. (Dutch, German, Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish)
  262. Misery loves company. (Swedish, Russian, Vietnamese, German, Italian, French, Dutch, English, Chinese, Portuguese)
  263. A mountain never meets a mountain, but a man meets a man. (Persian, Esperanto, Welsh, Veps, Romansch, Romani, Frisian, Mordvin, Maltese, Karelian, Irish, Scottish Gaellic, Catalan, Basque, Albanian)
  264. Much council is bad council. (German, Transylvanian, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen proverbs, Old Danish, Old Swedish, Romagnol, Norwegian)
  265. Necessity has no law. (Swedish, Romanian, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, Portuguese, Luxembourgisch"', Landsberg am Lech, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen, Waldeck, Reggino)
  266. Never judge by appearances; Judge not a man and things at first sight. (Polish, German, Spanish, Dutch, Czech, Italian. Portuguese, Swedish)
  267. Night is nobody's friend. (Estonian, Icelandic, Danish, Dutch, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen, Luxembourgish, German)
  268. Nobody can serve two masters (Albanian, Catalan, Frisian, Scottish Gaellic, Livonian, Provencal, Romani, Slovenian, Welsh, Esperanto, Mordvin, Norweigan)
  269. No man is indispensable.
  270. No one can be the judge in his own case. (Spanish, Czech, Polish, French, Latin, Dutch, German)
  271. No one knows where the shoe pinches, but he who wears it. (Portuguese, Irish, German, Italian, Romanian, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Latin, French, English)
  272. No pain, no gain; Nothing ventured, nothing gained. (Indonesian, Russian, Czech, Croatian, French, Italian, English, Japanese)
  273. None so deaf as those who will not hear. (Danish, French, Corsican Settentrionale, Romagnol, Tuscan, Reggino, Venetian)
  274. Nothing for nothing. (Polish, Italian, Spanish, French, Latin, Dutch, English)
  275. Nothing is new under the sun. (Swedish, Dutch, Norwegian, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen, Danish, Latin, Sicilian)
  276. It takes two to tango. (English, Dutch, French, Polish, Turkish, German, Spanish)
  277. Gluttony kills more than the sword; (Spanish, French, Portuguese, Latin, German, Italian, Romanian)
  278. Heaven helps those who help themselves. (Italian, Croatian, Spanish, Finnish, Icelandic, Latvian, Czech, Hungarian, Latin, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Greek, French)
  279. Of soup and love the first is the best. (Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Venetian, Milanese, Proovencal, Norweigan)
  280. Of two evils choose the least. (Romanian, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, English, Logudorese)
  281. Old habits die hard. (French, Russian, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, Latin, Latvian, Vietnamese, Basque, Italian, Old german)
  282. Old is the oldest (Scandinavian)
  283. Once a drunkard always a drunkard; Once a thief always a thief. (Italian, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, English, Mambwe-Lungu)
  284. Once bitten, twice shy. (Swedish, Italian, Vietnamese, Chinese, German, Icelandic, Hungarian, Portuguese, French, Spanish)
  285. One nail drives out another. (French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Catalan, Walloon, Corsican)
  286. One swallow does not make a summer (Swedish, Norwegian, Slovak, German, Sardinian, Romansch, Afrikaans, Finnish, Polish)
  287. One today is worth two tomorrows. (Polish, Czech, Italian, Spanish, French , Latin, German , Swedish, Dutch, Clausthal Upper Harz , Frisian Moringer Mundart, Bergamesque)
  288. Opportunity knocks only once. (German, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish, Dutch, Latin, Finnish, Icelandic)
  289. Opportunity creates the thief. (Swedish, Old German, Luxembourgish, Bavarian, East Frisian, Waldeck, Bolognese)
  290. Out of sight, out of mind.
  291. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. (Swedish, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Düren)
  292. Out of the frying pan into the fire. (Romanian, Finnish, Polish, Russian, Indian, Hungarian, German)
  293. Patience is a remedy for every sorrow.
  294. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. (Swedish, English, Portuguese, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Danish, Logudorese Sardinian)
  295. Pigs grunt about everything and nothing.
  296. Physician, heal yourself! Czech, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, German)
  297. Poets are born, but orators are trained.
  298. Poverty is the reward of idleness. (German, English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Romanian)
  299. Practice makes perfect. (Swedish, Bavarian, Old Swiss German, Prussian, Waldeck, Romagnol, Tuscan)
  300. Preachers say: do as I say, not as i do. (Italian, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Dutch, Romanian)
  301. Rats desert a sinking ship.
  302. Reason does not come before years. (English, Irish, Bavarian, Swiss, Wahldeck, Osnabrück, Icelandic)
  303. Reckless youth makes rueful age. (Latvian, Italian, French, Latin, German, English, English [Sic!])
  304. Repetition is the mother of knowledge. (Latin, Swedish, Hungarian, Russian, Czech, German, French)
  305. Riding the high horse. (Swedish, French, German, Danish, Italian, Russian, Dutch)
  306. Rome wasn't built in a day. (Swedish, English, Latin, Esperantɒ, Walloon, French, Chinese)
  307. Second thoughts are best. (Latin, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Romanian, English, Swedish)
  308. Seek and ye shall find. (Swedish, Luxembourgish, Transylvanian, Old French, Picard, Walloon, North Provençal)
  309. Set a herring to catch a whale. (Provencal, Italian, French, Polish, English, Romanian, Dutch)
  310. Set a thief to catch a thief. (Danish, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, German, Italian, Old German)
  311. Shame take him that shame thinketh. (Italian, Spanish, French, Latin, Dutch, German, English)
  312. Shoemaker not above the sandal.
  313. Short prayers reach heaven. (Latin, Danish, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, French)
  314. Silence gives consent. (Swedish, English, Yiddish, Spanish, Vietnamese, Slovenian, French, Latin, Upper Engadin Romansh)
  315. Small streams make great rivers. (Swedish, Swiss, Old Danish, Icelandic, Old Swedish, Medieval Latin, Languedocien)
  316. Soon crooks the tree that good gambrel would be. (Swedish, Erwitte, Swabian, Old Swiss German, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen, Waldeck, Mark)
  317. Speak well of the dead (Yiddish, Holstein, Milanese, German, Dutch, Swedish, Latin)
  318. Still Water runs deep (Bulgarian, Croatian, Indonesian, English, Czech, Danish, Spanish, Yiddish, Kleve, Düsseldorf)
  319. Strike while the iron is hot. (Turkish, Italian, German, English, Danish, Hungarian, Serbian, Russian, Bosnian, Polish, Finnish, Swedish)
  320. Take heed of an ox before, an ass behind and a monk on all sides. (Russian, Swedish, Old French, North Provençal, Venetian, Yiddish, German)
  321. Take heed of enemies reconciled and of meat twice boiled. (German, Czech, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, English)
  322. Take the will for the deed. (Scots, Czech, Polish, French, German, English, Italian)
  323. Take things as you find them. (Spanish, English, German, Latin, Czech, Swedish, Ligurian)
  324. Talk of the devil and you ll see his horns. (Swedish, Old German, Franconian Hennebergisch, Luxembourgish, Altenburg, Breslau, Waldeck)
  325. The best defence is a good offence. (Italian, Swedish, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, English, Portuguese, Greek)
  326. The best swimmers often drown. (German, Italian, Latin, Münsterländisch, Languedocien, North Provençal, Old Swiss German, Dutch, Flemish)
  327. The bird loves her own nest. (Spanish, Italian, German, French, Portuguese, Latin, Romanian)
  328. The covetous man is good to none and worst to himself. (Hungarian, Polish, Italian, Latin, Danish, Dutch, German)
  329. The dogs bark but the caravan passes on. (Turkish, Latin, English, Portuguese, Spanish, German, French)
  330. The fox preys farthest from his hole. (Old Swedish, Jutland, Funen, Old Danish, Clausthal Upper Harz, Solothurn, East Frisian)
  331. The fox, when he cannot reach the grapes, says they are not ripe. (Swedish, English, Colognian, Bremen, Holstein, Holstein Anglia, East Frisian)
  332. The good is the enemy of the best. (English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Russian, Finnish)
  333. The good mother saith not will you? but gives. (Venetian, Triestine, Lombard, Romagnol, Dutch, Spanish, Italian Croatian [Not sure if congruent])
  334. The last will be first, and the first last. (Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, English, Hawaiian)
  335. The more the merrier. (Polish, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, German, English, Slovak)
  336. The more you stroke the cat's tail, the more he raises his back. (Lithuanian, Czech, Polish, Danish, German, English, Swedish)
  337. The pot calling the kettle black. (Portuguese, Finnish, Greek, Croat, Hindi, Hungarian, Serbian)
  338. The remedy is worse than the disease. (Arabic, Spanish, Scats, Latin. German, Portuguese, Kikuyu, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Afrikaans, Polish, Dutch, Italian, Tamil, Catalan, Marathi, English)
  339. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. (Dutch, German, Danish, Spanish, Esperanto, Hungarian, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, French, English, Swedish, Latvian)
  340. The shoemaker goes barefoot. (German, Polish, Spanish, French, Czech, Latvian, Albanian, Basque, Irish, Lithuanian, Latvian)
  341. The shoemaker's wife and the smith's horse have not shoes. (Scots, Spanish, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French)
  342. The voice of the people is the voice of God. (Italian, English, Polish, Spanish, Dutch, Czech, Ligurian)
  343. The wheel of fortune is forever in motion. (Swedish, Old German, Danish, Italian, Lombard, Piedmontese, Spanish, Chinese, Lower Old German, Transylvanian, Highland Romansch, Romagnol)
  344. The wish is father to the thought. (English, German, Transylvanian, Lombard, Venetian, Romanian, Portuguese)
  345. There are too many chiefs and not enough indians. (Galician, German, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, Finnish)
  346. There is danger in delay. (Italian, Spanish, French, Latin, German, English, Scots)
  347. There is no accounting for taste. (Latin, Thai, Swedish, French, Portuguese, English, Russian, Romanian)
  348. There is no rule without an exception. (Czech, Swedish, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch)
  349. There is no smoke without fire. (French, Bulgarian, Romanian, Indonesian, Dutch, Bosnian, German, Croatian, Turkish, Polish, Czech, Latin, Spanish, Filipino, Hungarian, Swedish, Russian, Haitian)
  350. There is none as deaf as he who not wants to hear.
  351. Time and tide wait for no man. (Danish, Scots, Danish, Polish, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish)
  352. Time is precious. (Maltese, Hungarian, Greek, German, English, Sicilian, Spanish)
  353. To buy a pig in a poke. (Swedish, Bolognese', Tristine, Main-Franconian Hennebergisch, Sonnenburg, East Frisian Low Saxon)
  354. Too many cooks spoil the broth. (Swedish, Luxembourgish, Bavarian, Lower Austria, Swiss German, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen, Bari)
  355. To smell a rat. (Swedish, Russian, Polish, German, French, Danish, Icelandic)
  356. To take counsel of one's pillow. (Swedish, Logudorese Sardinian, Corsican, Bergamesque, Milanese, Piedmontese, Venetian, Spanish, Italian, French, Latin, German, Portuguese)
  357. Today me, tomorrow thee. (Italian, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, German, Luxembourg, Transylvanian, Waldeck)
  358. Too many cooks ruin the broth.
  359. True love never grows old.
  360. Truth gives a short answer, lies go round about. (Obscurity envelops truth.) (English, Latin, German, Polish, French, Spanish, Portuguese)
  361. Two fittings are as bad as one fire. (Luxembourg, Ruhla, Württemberg, Old Swiss German, Prussian, Norwegian, Gascon)
  362. United we stand, divided we fall; Union is strength. (Croatian, Czech, Vietnamese, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Flemish)
  363. You can catch more flies with a drop of honey than with a barrel of vinegar. (Danish, Dutch, Italian, German, French, Romanian, English)
  364. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. (English, Swedish, Eifel and Hunsrück, Luxembourgish, Mönchengladbach, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen, Bad Driburg')
  365. You can't have your cake and eat it (too). (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Italian, Reggino, Romagnol, Bergamesque)
  366. You cannot get blood from a stone. (Czech, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Venetian, Piedmontese)
  367. You can't milk a bull. (Polish, English, German, Mark, Danish, Latin, Czech)
  368. You get what you pay for. (Polish, Italian, Catalan, Spanish, French, Latin, German)
  369. You see the splinter in another's eye but fail to see the beam in your own. (Votic, Veps, Romani, Mordvin, Maltese, Lappish, Karelian, French)
  370. You might as well try to hold an eel by the tail. (Slovak, Sardinian, Corsican, Portuguese, Catalan, Norweigan, Danish)
  371. You must meet roughness with roughness.
  372. You must not run after two hares at the same time. (English, Latvian, Dutch, Romanian, Danish, Italian, Afghan, German, Frenchm Japanese)
  373. Walls have ears. (Irish, French, Korean, Hungarian, Dutch, Portuguese, Greek, Vietnamese)
  374. We are all descended from Adam. (Milanese, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Portuguese, Venetian, Old German)
  375. Wealth rarely brings happiness. (Latin, French, Italian, German, English, Finnish, Swedish)
  376. Well begun, is half done. (Albanian, Basque, Catalan, Turkish, Scottish Gaelic, Karelian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Romani, Romansch, Slovak, Slovenian, Esperanto, Polish)
  377. He who digs a pit for others, will fall in it himself. (Swedish, Romanian, Polish, Slovakian, Old German, Bavarian, Old Swiss German)
  378. Who says "A" must say "B". (Swedish, Romanian, Romansch,Norwegian, Danish, Waldeck, Jever)
  379. What is bred in the bone will not go out of the flesh. (Czech, Portuguese, Polish, German, Dutch, French, Chinese)
  380. What everyone says must be true. (Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch , English, Czech)
  381. What you reap is what you sow. (Turkish, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Polish, Finnish, Latin, Estonian, Croatian, Portuguese, French, Slovak, Italian, Swedish)
  382. Whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt back to you. (Catalan, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Polish, Latin, Italian, German, Portuguese)
  383. When a thing is done, advice comes too late. (Swedish, German, Italian, Corsican, Bergamesque, Milanese, Venetian)
  384. When distress is the greatest, help is the nearest (Swedish, Luxembourgish, Bavarian, Dutch, Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian)
  385. When fortune knocks, be sure to open the door. (Transylvanian, Corsican, Corsican Settentrionale, Romagnol, Tuscan, Ligurian, Piedmontese)
  386. When in doubt, leave it out. (Italian, Spanish, French, Latin, Dutch, German, English)
  387. When it rains manna from heaven, the poor one does not have a spoon. (Swedish, Old Swiss, Solothurn, Bremen, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen, Holstein, SStrelitzisch, Rastere, Waldeck, Bad Driburg, Recklinghausen)
  388. When it rains on the priest, it dripples on the sacristan. (Swedish, Aachen, Holstein Anglia, Attendorn, Mark, Osnabrück, Norman)
  389. When one door closes another opens. (Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, Scots)
  390. When the devil grows old he turns religious. (Swedish, Solothurn, Moers, Dutch, Danish, Tuscan, German)
  391. When the head is sick, the whole body is sick. (Italian, German, Latin, Spanish, French, Hungarian, English, Champenois)
  392. When the mouse has had enough (its fill), the meal is bitter. (Swedish, Transylvanian, Mecklenburgisch-Vorpommersch, Stade, Old Flemish, Faroese, Namur)
  393. When the pig is proffered, hold up the poke. (Czech, Polish, Corsican, Spanish, Latin, German, English)
  394. When the vine is ripe, the fruit will fall. (Luxembourgish, Bavarian, Old Swiss German, Transylvanian, Hannover Göttingen and Grubenhagen, Prussian, Romagnol)
  395. When thy neighbour's house doth burn (is on fire) be careful (beware) of thine own. (Swedish, Sicilian, Neapolitan, Bergamasque, Tuscan, Milanese, North Provençal, Languedocien)
  396. Where god has a church the devil will have his chapel. (Italian, French, Latin, German, English, Swedish. Gascon)
  397. Where there is a will, there is a way. (Afghan, Korean, Italian, Indian, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Polish, Romanian, Hungarian)
  398. While the grass grows the steed starves. (Swedish, Polish, Italian, Spanish, French, Latin, Danish, German, English, Holstein)
  399. Who falls short in the head must be long in the heels. (Swedish, Czech, Polish, Spanish, French, Dutch, English)
  400. Who has not served cannot command. (Polish, French, Latin, German, English, Italian, Portuguese, French [Two different versions of proverb], Gascon, Venetian, Sardinian)
  401. Whom fortune wishes to destroy, she first makes mad. (Spanish, Polish, Latin, English, German, Italian, Gascon)
  402. Wise men learn by other men's mistakes, fools by their own. (Hungarian, Swedish, Sardinian, Venetian, Milanese, Provençal, Norweigan)
  403. Wisdom goes not always by years.